Solar Registered Contractors


If you're ready to take advantage of the sun's energy, then the next step is to choose a qualified contractor and a system that's right for you. See the most recent listing of solar contractors who have registered with CPS Energy under the guidelines of our Solar Rebate program. Please refer to and use this listing when selecting your solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar water heater contractors.

View our Registered Solar Contractors

CPS Energy is not a manufacturer, supplier or guarantor of the PV system or installers, and CPS Energy, whether by making available a list of registered installers and equipment sources or otherwise, has not made and makes no representations or warranties of any nature, directly or indirectly, expressed or implied, as to performance of the installer or reliability, performance, durability, condition or quality of the PV system selected and purchased.

Selection of a Registered Solar Installer to perform the work is the sole decision of the Program Participant. Any lists representing the Registered Solar Installers are of those companies and/or individuals who have taken time to register themselves with CPS Energy. It is not an endorsement by CPS Energy of any product, service, individual or company. There is no work guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the quality, cost or effectiveness of the work performed by the contractor, employees or subcontractors.

Need assistance going solar? The Bring Solar Home program provides free technical assistance on going solar and is provided by Build San Antonio Green. Check out their site here.

If you have questions regarding solar contractors and qualifications, call (210) 353-2728 (2SAV).